Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Ibu yang punya anak Lahir tgl 10-10-10, 09-09-09, & 08-08-08

Sungguh unik keluarga yang satu ini, Ibu-ibu ini punya anak-anak yang lahir pada tanggal2 yang jadi incaran banyak orang

Barbara Soper, 36, seorang ibu rumah tangga di Michigan, Amerika Serikat juga merayakan kelahiran putrinya Cearra pada 10-10-10. Tapi bedanya, dia lebih hebat, dia memiliki dua anak lainnya yang juga punya tanggal lahir unik, yakni 09-00-09 dan 08-08-08. Keajaiban Kelahiran kelahiran unik adalah 50 juta banding satu.

Spoiler for sumber gan:
The Sopers celebrate latest addition, Cearra, born on 10/10/10 who joins her 9/9/09 and 8/8/08 siblings.Rockford, Michigan: In a big household, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone's birthdays.

But the Soper family probably find it a little easier than most.

Their latest addition, Cearra, arrived on 10/10/10 joining Cameron, born on 9/9/09, and Chloe, born on 8/8/08.

Mother Barbara Soper, 36, described Cearra as a "little miracle", adding: "Chloe is lucky number eight, Cameron is lucky number nine and she is our lucky number ten."

The family, from Michigan in the US, said there wasn't any element of planning to the sequence. Cearra was born almost a month prematurely and Cameron two weeks early. But Soper and her husband Chad, 33, admitted that Cearra's arrival last Sunday evening had completed a pattern they thought would be "neat" but had not dared to hope for.

Despite the startling coincidence, statisticians said that the Soper family's achievement is not quite as remarkable as it first appears.

The window for such a pattern of births occurs only in the first 12 years of a century, and "given that the first birth occurred in that window, the probability is not as astronomical as you might think", explained Philip Stark, professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

He said that realistic odds would be around 2,500 to one.

But despite their achievement, the Sopers say they are not tempted to aim for a fourth birth on November 11, 2011.

"Three is plenty. We don't have any more planned," said Barbara Soper.

Spoiler for Barbara, suami'a serta anak2'a:

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